[Salon] Jenin's War: identity genocide and eradication of Palestinians


Jenin's War: identity genocide and eradication of Palestinians

Sunday 25/June/2023
The Dialogue

Since the Jenin war triggered by Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir and Smotrich, it is bloodthirsty biblical thought that dominates the Israeli political landscape even against moderate Jews. And the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no longer simply reduced to its outcome and the part that will succeed in extending its grip on Zone C defined on the map of the Oslo Accords; it has become - from the point of view of the Israeli government - a zero produced equation: the historical Palestinian territory is indivisible; therefore, the two-state solution is impossible. Palestinians can no longer live there: they must be eradicated from their territory and exterminated. Palestinian identity must be completely purified, because, in fact, its existence recalls the angry criminal, his crime, the victims they have the rights to recover, and presents to the whole world the testimony that peace will never see the light of day without law and justice.  

Impact on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

The latest version of the Jenin war triggered at the beginning of this year has had serious repercussions that will be felt - on a large scale - on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Namely, among the most important, the sharp fall of the Palestinian national authority, triggered with the Gaza war in 2014, at the bottom of the abyss of the Palestinian political scene as well as the suspension of negotiations with the Israelis. This fall was counterbalanced by the fortification of other Palestinian organizations such as "Hamas" and "Muslim Jihad". This fall also involved the use of bullets and not stones. And, according to reports from Shin Bet, the Israeli domestic intelligence service, 147 terrorist acts have been carried out in Israel and the West Bank, since the beginning of this year, including 120 shootings reporting an 80% increase. A few days from the great Baïram, it is expected that the ongoing unrest in Jenin and the West Bank will continue until the end of the festival.

It is expected that this confrontation will last just because this new war goes hand in hand with a fierce Israeli plan for colonial expansion in the West Bank declared on June 18, which involves the construction of 4,500 new homes in Israeli settlements and the regularization of about 70 colonial outposts that the former Israeli government had considered illegal and to which Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu added a thousand other homes to be built This colonial expansion is taking place in parallel with a fierce wave of attacks perpetrated by armed colonizers against Palestinian cities and villages, in view of the security forces and the army following the example of what happened in the city of "Morthus Ayya", the village of Al-Lubban ash-Sharqiya near Ramallah and in the city of Huwara which experienced similar Armed colonizers set fire to dozens of houses, cars and orchards. They also attacked economic facilities including Palestinian factories and workshops and shops. We even shot at those who fled the fires, thus reproducing the scenes of massacres executed by armed gangs such as "Ahanah", "the Stern group, Lehi" and L'Irgoun". Further galvanizing the cruelty and barbarity of the colonizers, Israeli Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir said last Wednesday in front of the Knesset that "we need a military operation that would raze buildings and massacre populations. This will be our response to terrorism."

Impacts on the regional and international scene

The Jeninian War has caused until today the fiery anger of the Arab world as in Turkey and Iran and in states with diplomatic relations with Israel such as Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Morocco and others such as Saudi Arabia. In a statement in virulent terms, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the barbaric attack on Jenin and his bombing by drones and accused the Hebrew State of violating international humanitarian law. Jordan showed its blue anger through statements that stirred the spectre of revenge. The United Arab Emirates called on Israel to lower the level of tension, Turkey condemned targeting civilians, Iran indicated that the Palestinian resistance will end Israel's aggression and Qatar condemned the new chapter of the escalation against the Palestinians. Internationally, Brussels and Paris have issued statements condemning Israel and advocating lull. The European Union has confirmed the need to stop colonial expansion in the West Bank. The most practical reaction was issued by the Moroccan government, which decided to cancel the next ministerial meeting of the Negev forum that it was to host next month.

Colonization against Iranian nuclear power

The United States took the initiative to condemn the terrorist attack that targeted Israelis near " Eli" in the West Bank. According to the U.S. State Department, Washington is terribly concerned about the continuation of acts of violence in Israel and the West Bank throughout the last few weeks that have caused victims and injuries among Palestinians and Israelis. He pledged to cooperate with Israel and the Palestinian Authority to strengthen steps to appease the escalation. Nevertheless, the position of the current American administration is failing vis-à-vis Israel due to the imminent launch of the American presidential campaign. Moreover, the history of political conflicts between Israel and the United States always resulted in a profitable barter for Israel on three aspects: first, to strengthen colonization, second, to receive military aid and security guarantees, third, to strengthen its political position in preparation for a new round of disputes between the two parties.

The current dispute over colonial expansion is linked to a more severe one that concerns the position taken with regard to the Iranian nuclear program. With the escalation of tension over the dispute over Washington's efforts to sign an agreement with Iran on the non-possession of nuclear weapons, Israel has resumed the adoption of its favorite tactic of perpetrating more attacks against Palestinians, plundering their territories and destroying their properties. In order for Israel to agree to ignore the American-Iranian agreement, it wants Washington to give no importance to its colonial expansion in the West Bank and East Jerusalem as well as to the barbaric attacks on the Palestinians that took the form of extrajudicial intentional homicides and a cruel violation of the rules of international humanitarian law.

This is the very essence of the transaction sought by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu from U.S. President Biden. It is currently emerging on the surface of the Israeli-American dispute and a few weeks before the start of the American presidential election campaign through which the Zionist lobby practices a policy that would go ahead of Israeli interest over that of the United States. Although the Republican camp in the elections is seriously cracked because of Trump's indictment, the Democrats' chances of success could experience an unparalleled upheaval. The Biden administration is fully aware that any agreement with Iran on its nuclear program will generate strong opposition in the Republican-dominated Council of Deputies.

It must always be borne in mind that Israel opposed the initial 2015 agreement: this is why a crisis broke out with President Obama's administration during which Netanyahu used the intensification of colonialist activity in the West Bank as a weapon to mount a blackmail against the American administration, which reacted by refraining from using the right of veto, in the Security Council, against a resolution that considers "colon And, despite Obama's attempts to satisfy Netanyahu with a $38 billion military aid case to guarantee "Israel's qualitative supremacy over its neighbors", Israeli pressure groups sanctioned the Democratic Party by beating its presidential candidate in the elections in the same year 2016. While Netanyahu said, during the Israeli government meeting on Sunday, June 18, that he could coexist with the planned American-Iranian agreement, he soon criticized the American administration because of his negative position on the new colonization plan approved by the government. And, the next day on Monday, he sent a message implicitly specifying that colonial expansion is only the counterpart of Israeli silence via the American-Iranian agreement.

Placing the subject of colonization in the focus of Israeli-American relations in order to escalate tension and blackmail and obtain additional benefits is a traditional tactic adopted by Tel Aviv in its relations with Washington since the outbreak of the first tensions between them in 1956 when David Ben Gurion refused to withdraw from Sinai and which lasted until the approval granted in 1957 by US President Dwight David Since then, he has used this tactic more than once: during the Reagan-Begin crisis about the purchase of Awacs aircraft for Saudi Arabia in 1981, which was defused by the signing of a strategic cooperation agreement by Cas Weinbergparer and Ariel Sharon; In addition, Israel continued its policy of colonial expansion in order to consolidate the thesis of the "land of Israel" which considers Tension resumed ten years later through the disputes between Shamir and Georges Bush senior in 1991, which resulted in Bush's defeat in the following presidential elections to join the short list of presidents who held a single presidential term and Israel obtained $10 billion in military aid while continuing its expansionist policy of colonization under a political transaction concluded with the new American President Bill Clinton.

By using the colonization map this time, Israel pursues the same tactic but in a barbaric way combined with the use of force and not the law. And, as the Biden administration is trying to pass the nuclear agreement with Iran, during negotiations, through a presidential executive decree to avoid declaring its details or discussing it in Congress, it would need to agree with the Netanyahu administration to avoid a confrontation in Congress that could cost the administration the loss of the presidential elections next year.

Since the American administration is of immense weakness, it is by no means foreseeable that the United States will exert real pressure on Israel to stop colonization or curb attacks on the Palestinians; this is what makes the Jeninian war one of the key points in the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. The reason is that this war, characterized by barbaric aggression and placed under the leadership of an extremist religious Zionist government, could put an end to any realistic discussion about the two-state solution; And it is when the two-state solution will be devoid of its practical basis that Israel will continue its policy of liquidation and evacuating Palestinian villages in the West Bank in order to realize the theory

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